Ecocem has been part of the industrial landscape since 2003 to build a better future.

  • Almost 18 Million
    tonnes of CO2 saved
  • 5
    International accreditations
  • A new home
    for Irish rugby

Ireland is now at the forefront of public policy for cement decarbonisation in Europe.

The Irish government took a bold step towards a more sustainable future by mandating green procurement requirements for low carbon cement. This landmark decision marks a significant milestone in the journey towards developing a net-zero carbon society by 2050, as outlined in the national policy position.

Read more from our Director of Public Affairs and Sustainability, Susan McGarry, on what this means for the Irish construction industry, the role of low carbon cement technologies, and building a sustainable future.

We're on a mission

to decarbonise cement 50% by 2030.

  • 02 Mar 23

    Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin

    The project was sustainably designed through LEED with 50% inclusion of Ecocem GGBS, and achieved LEED Gold certification.

  • 13 Feb 20

    Howth Harbour

    Ecocem GGBS bespoke blended cement is a suitable technical solution for your geotechnical works when looking for soil properties improvement, brownfield remediation cases, and dredged sediment stabilisation and valorisation.

  • 21 Sep 10

    The Aviva Stadium, Dublin

    40% Ecocem GGBS was specified for use in all in-situ and precast elements saving over 4000 tonnes of C02 in this project.

Our Products & Technologies

Products & Projects
Ecocem CEM III/A
Ecocem GGBS

Commissioned by Ecocem, this report provides an updated picture of the challenges and opportunities facing the cement industry as it urgently seeks to reduce its CO2 emissions.

The report also highlights the need for collaboration and innovation to achieve global decarbonization of the industry, both rapidly and at scale.

