Delivering a low carbon revolution and a whole lot more

ACT delivers cost effective low carbon cement at scale

Low Carbon Footprint:

  •  ACT uses a significantly reduced clinker content, blended with inert fillers and a range of low-carbon supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). ACT reduces cement’s carbon footprint by more than 70% compared with average cement blends used in Europe today.


  • ACT uses raw materials already widely available within the cement industry, particularly limestone, which is abundant, enabling enhanced scalability.

Energy Security:

  • ACT needs as little as a third of the amount of thermal energy used in the production of high clinker cements. As a result, noxious gases such as SOx and NOx, and particulate emissions, are reduced by circa 70%. ACT also uses the same or less electrical energy. At a time where energy security is becoming increasingly important, this is a significant advantage.

Lack of Process Disruption:

  • ACT cement brings little disruption to existing operations and processes within the cement and concrete industries. Additional capital expenditure required is likely to be minimal, which compares very favourably to other technologies.

Lower Cost:

  • ACT cements have substantially lower operating costs when compared with CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage). Little additional capital expenditure is required making a compelling cost: benefit case.

Reduced water use:

  • Many parts of the world, including Southern Europe and large parts of the US, suffer increasingly from a lack of water. ACT can reduce, by as much as a half, the amount of water needed to produce concrete, a further environmental and societal benefit.

Available in the short term:

  • Unlike most other significant decarbonisation technologies for the cement industry, ACT can be made available in the short term. It has already been subject to extensive technical validation and been successfully demonstrated in industrial trials. A CE mark is expected in 2023, first commercial applications will follow with full market access by 2026 in the European markets where Ecocem is present (France, UK, Benelux, Ireland).

ACT requires less energy and water, reduces noxious gases and particulate emissions with minimal disruption to existing manufacturing processes.